"It is better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret."
Prescient Group is setting a new precedent in business consulting by consistently delivering on one shared goal, making your business more profitable. Our Prescient PERFORMance Platform is designed to improve cash flow, optimize efficiency and provide your team with the redeployable capital it needs via -
Most of our services are provided on full contingency. All consultations are complimentary and payments only become due AFTER you've received your cost savings or refunds. There's zero upfront costs, no risk to find out if we can help, and very minimal (if any) disruption to your day-to-day operation upon implementation of these profit optimizing services.
With our collaborative and vendor agnostic approach, we are uniquely positioned to provide your business with the expertise and tailored solutions to ensure your team always has the tools and resources to remain agile and fully prepared to perform in any situation.
Same providers, same services...lower overhead. No changes required!
Embrace proactive, preventative benefits. Elevate your workforce exprience.
Give your organization the tools and resources to adapt, grow, scale, and succeed.
Healthier patients. Healthier practice!
Identify & implement all the available incentives & tax strategies you rightfully qualify for.